Thursday, April 2, 2009

Landmark Education Montage - TMLP

Landmark Education Montage - TMLP
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This video is a montage of projects created by people taking Landmark Education's Team Management Leadership Program, where each person creates a 'Game in the World' that effects a community in a positive way.

Charles McNeil, Phd, on Landmark Education

Charles McNeil, Phd, on Landmark Education
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How Landmark Education helped Dr. Charles McNeil make a difference at a global scale.

Landmark Education Forum Leader David Cunningham - Recession

Landmark Education Forum Leader David Cunningham - Recession
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David Cunningham, a communications expert who leads the Landmark Forum for Landmark Education, is on television in Sacramento, California discussing how to deal powerfully with the recession, particularly in regards to when you're in a marriage/relationship. He gives very specific advice, starting with realizing that most of our suffering isn't related to the facts of what is happening in the recession, but rather in the interpretation we add to it. He recommends making a list of exactly what the facts are regarding one's finances before attempting a plan of action. The idea is that couples can then act in partnership to impact the facts of the situation rather than dealing with opinions they have about each other or the situation that may not make any difference. Hat tip to, where I found this.

Landmark Education project - Cherish Our Children

Landmark Education project - Cherish Our Children
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The Cherish Our Children orgnization was founded in 1993 out of a project created in the Team Managament leadership program by Juli Hall. The organization has assisted countless endangered children in Europe, Africa and latin america.

Landmark Education Project - Causes for Change

Landmark Education Project - Causes for Change
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Causes for change is a 5013C nonprofit charity that was formed by Zully Alvarado in 1996 when she took the landmark education self expression program. The charity is designed to assist children in need in developing countries.

Landmark Education TMLP - Operation Amped

Landmark Education TMLP - Operation Amped
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Tom Tapp conceived of this project, which he dubbed "Operation Amped", while taking Landmark Education's Team management and leadership program in California. This video tells the story of this unique program (also featured at that allows amputee veterans to enjoy the fun and thrills of surfing. The idea began when Tapp encountered a naturally born amputee enjoying surfing. It occurred to Tapp that amputee veterans, who have sacrificed so much for their country, should have access to the same kind of fun and enjoyment at the very least.

Tapp's fundraising efforts to make the first surf camp happen became easier when corporate sponsors came on board with their assitance. The initial surf camp was sponsored by Billabong, Universal Pictures and Chipotle, with Iraq war veterans traveling from all across the United States to take part. The project has continued to grow and flourish, with expert surfers giving advice and support on a variety of different international beaches, including Costa Rica.

Kenya Leadership Project- Landmark Education TMLP

Kenya Leadership Project- Landmark Education TMLP
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Landmark Forum graduate Jamie Yallup created a leadership project in Kenya as her Team Game in World during her year in the Landmark Education Team Management and Leadership program

Landmark Education TMLP project - Carnival of Care

Landmark Education TMLP project - Carnival of Care
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Debra Johnson created "Carnival of Care" when she took Landmark Education's Team Management Leadership Program. The project creates a day of celebration for survivors of brain injurines and their caregivers.

Landmark Education TMLP project - Hogares Providencia

Landmark Education TMLP project - Hogares Providencia
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Liliana Martinez of Mexico City created a project in the Landmark Education Team Management Leadership Program around Hogares Providencia, the organization she helped found that takes care of over 260 neglected children in Mexico.